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그날 오후: 지는 해를 보기 싫었다 영어로


영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • That Evening Sun (film)
  • 그날    그날 that day; (강조하여) the
  • 지는    losing
  • 보기    보기1 [예] an example; an instance; a case; an
  • 그날    그날 that day; (강조하여) the very[same] day. ~의 일 the day's work. ~따라 on that particular day / on that day of all days (in the year). ~ 중으로 before the day is over[out] / within the day. 내가 돌아온 ~ 그는 떠났다
  • 었다    -었다 did (at an earlier time); had[have] done. 먹~ ate. 갔~ went (and back). 왔~ came (and left again) / was here (but isn't now).
  • 오후    오후 [午後] afternoon; p.m. ~의 열차 an afternoon train. ~ 이른[늦은] 시간에 early[late] in the afternoon. 3월 10일의 ~에 on the afternoon of March 10 / in the afternoon on March 10. ~에 오십시오 Please come in the aftern
  • 그날그날    그날 그날 everyday; daily; day after[by] day; from day to day. ~ 겨우 살아가다 eke out a bare existence from day to day / scrape a living day by day.
  • 그날 이후    The Day After
  • 그날, 바다    Intention (film)
  • 먹었다    old
  • 죽었다    dead
  • 내일 오후    tomorrow afternoon
  • 오늘 오후    this afternoon
  • 오전/오후    am/pm; am/pm
  • 오후 ohu    afternoon
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